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Christainity Is Now a Pagan Religion

Discussion :~ All christains are preaching about islam is pagan.but it's lie. But Christianity is a pure pagan religion. Such as-

(1) Hindus pray to idols. Christians also pray to idols. But Muslims don't pray to an idol.

(2) It is a pagan custom to address God as Father (Geeta 12:17). You will also see that Hindus call Shiva ′′ Father (Father) Christians do the same thing.

(3) Hindus believe in incarnation. That means God comes down to earth in the form of human. Christians have the same faith! God came down to earth in the form of Jesus!

(4) Hindus believe in Trinity or Trinityism. Trinity of Hindus: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Christians also believe in the Trinity like pagans! Father, Son, Holy Spirit!

(5) Hindus consider Sunday a holiday. Similarly Christians consider Sunday as a holiday! Really, what a strange similarity these two pagan religions have!

(6) King kills all the sons of Kongs state to prevent the birth of Krishna!


(7) Hindus do not do circumstances. Christians don't even warn!

(8) Krishna used to play with

cows, Jesus used to play with the


(9) Old Sin: This is also stolen from Hindus. According to Hindu Theology, people are born lame, poor because of their sins. Christians are also believers in Old Sin!

(10) Pictures and statues live in the temple. Christian churches also have pictures of Jesus, Mary. But there is no picture or statue in any mosque.

(11) Pagans dance and sing in the temple. Christians also dance in church. On the other hand, dancing and singing are strictly banned in Islam.

(12) Hindus become sacred by diving in the water of Ganges. Christians are also sacred by diving in water and getting baptized. But Muslims don't have such customs.

(13) Hindus make beard small, grow beef. Christians do the same thing. On the other hand, Muslims grow beard, make beef small.

(14) The Christmas that Christians celebrate was the festival of Greek pagans. On this day the pagans used to have huge festivals to worship their harvest gods. Christmas on December 25, comes from those pagans. All Christian religious scholars agree. Also, the birthday of Egyptian god Horus is also on December 25

(15) Pagans ring bells in the temple during worship. Christians also ring bells in church during worship. On the other hand, Muslims give Azan.

(16) Hindus pray to God with folded hands. Christians also pray to God with folded hands like Hindus. But Muslims pray to God to get both hands like a help seeker.

(17) Bhaktiyog: There is no need to follow Shariyat or Ritual in both Hindus and Christians. But there is a need in Islam.

(18) God has children these are the faith of pagan. Even Christians believe that God has children. But such beliefs are strictly forbidden in Islam.

(19) Even the Christian religious symbol is the cross, that also comes from the ancient Egyptian pagan symbol '′ Ankh. 

(20) Egyptian god ′′ Horus ′′ walked on water. Jesus in the Bible also walked on water.

(21) Egyptian god Horus was brought to Egypt from another country in his childhood. Jesus of the Bible was also brough tto Egypt from other countries in childhood!

(22) Egyptian god learns at the temple of Horus. Jesus in the Bible also teaches in the temple!

(23) Egyptian god Horus had 12 disciples. Jesus in the Bible also had 12 disciples.

(24) Egyptian god Horus went to a man named ′′ Anup ′′ at the age of 30 and was sanctified by drowning in water. Even Jesus in the Bible went to ′′ John the Baptist ′ ′ at the age of 30 and got sanctified by diving in water!

(25) Egyptian god Horus was crucified, kept in the tomb and after days he was resurrected. Jesus in the Bible is also crucified, kept in the grave and after a few days Jesus is resurrected!

Credit: Jesse Hossain
