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Ka'bah, the temple of the idolaters, or the house of worship built by Ibrahim (as)?


 Translated by Md Monwar Wazed

Ka'bah, the temple of the idolaters, or the house of worship built by Ibrahim (as)?

Response to allegations regarding the origin of Islam

Ka'ba - which is called 'Baitullah'. House of God. The heartbeat of millions of Muslims. Another name for love and passion. Millions of people flock to this house to see it once in a lifetime. The Ka'bah reminds us of the One God. It reminds me of the great prophets who came here and worshiped Allah. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

But some anti-Islamic writers allege that the Ka'bah was a temple for Arab pagans. Muhammad evicted them from their temples and started worshiping and performing Hajj. Besides, the claim of the Muslims is either false: Ibrahim (AS) never came to Makkah, so it is not possible for him to build the Ka'bah. The ancient Judeo-Christian text discusses Abraham extensively. But these books do not say anything about Kaaba. Therefore the Ka'bah cannot be the house of worship of the Abrahamic Creator, and so on and so forth.

The Ka'bah was built by Ibrahim (as). It was also believed by the Arab pagans:

Free-minded people claim to have great compassion for the pagans of Arabia, whether Muhammad (pbuh) converted their temple into the Masjid al-Haram, the temple of one God. Do the free minds know that the idolaters of Arabia themselves claimed that they were the descendants of Abraham (peace be upon him) and Ishmael (peace be upon them) and that the Ka'bah was the house of God built by their father Ibrahim (peace be upon him)? [1] The house of God built by Ibrahim (AS) was not disputed by any Muslim or Arab idolater. There was disagreement as to whether or not God, the Lord of the universe, had a partner.

There is no disagreement among Muslim-Jewish-Christians that Ibrahim (pbuh) [prophet Abraham] was not an idolater and worshiped the one and only God [El / Eloah / Elohim] in the Jewish-Christian texts.

God also said to Moses [Prophet Moses (peace be upon him)], "Speak to the Israelites: Lord God, the God of your ancestors — the God of Abraham [Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)), the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob [Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him)]. Sent. This is my name forever, this is the name I will be remembered from generation to generation. ” [2]

Free-minded people have doubts about the Qur'an and Hadith. But Judeo-Christians are not heard to say anything about the book. They have taken the Judeo-Christian text on Ibrahim (as) as evidence, and to refute the Muslims' claim about the Ka'bah, they have referred to the Judeo-Christian text: "The Judeo-Christian text does not mention the Ka'bah." This is the only way to understand the one-eyed attitude of free minds.

Didn't Judeo-Christian texts really talk about Kaaba? 

Let us see if the Ka'bah is really mentioned in the Judeo-Christian texts. The Bible says in Psalms:

Blessed are those who dwell in your house; They always praise you. Blessed are you whose strength is in you, who are determined to go on pilgrimage. The autumn rains fill it with blessings [in some versions - the autumn rains fill the reservoirs]. "

Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools [Or blessings]. (NIV) [3]

Baka or Bakka is the ancient name of Makkah. The psalm of the Bible is a perverted version of the Book [Psalms] revealed to David. It is part of the Old Testament of the Bible and is recognized by both Jews and Christians. In this book we find the details of the pilgrims (Hajj caravan) in Bakaya. The Bible verse further states that there are blessings. The name 'Bakka' of Makkah is also mentioned in the Qur'an and the blessings are mentioned here. Some translations mention the reservoir at that place. It is also said that they consider it as the place of water canal. There is also a reservoir near the Ka'bah in Makkah, the ancient reservoir of huge water  the Yam Yam well.

The Qur'an says:

إن أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدى للعالمين )96( فيه آيات بينات مقام إبراهيم ومن دخله كان آمنا ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ومن كفر فإن الله غني عن العالمين )97(

Meaning: “Undoubtedly, the first house that has been destined for mankind is this house, which is located in Bakka [Mecca] and is a source of guidance for the people of Sarajahan. It contains the best examples of Makkah like Ibrahim. And whoever enters it is secure. And the Hajj of this house is due to Allah on man; The person who has the ability to reach this far. And whoever does not believe in it, Allah does not care about anything in the whole world. "[4]

The Hebrew word 'baka'  means weeping or weeping. [5] For this reason, some Bible translations translate the Hebrew word 'valley of Baka / Baca' instead of 'valley of Baka / Baca' in Psalms 74: 7. There has been a 'valley of weeping'. [6] The Bible deportes Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his mother Hagar [Hazera (peace be upon her)] to infant Ishmael (peace be upon him) crying in the desert for lack of water. Started. On hearing her cries, God sent angels to frighten them and made a well of water for them to drink from. [7] Many places in the Bible are named after different famous events. [8] There is a similarity between the activities and the name of Baka Valley. According to the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the child Ishmael (pbuh) and his mother were left in Makkah. [9]

The Jewish Encyclopedia speaks of the ‘valley of Baka / Baca’ in Psalms 84: 6:

“A valley mentioned in Ps. lxxxiv. 7 [6 A. V.]. Since it is there said that pilgrims transform the valley into a land of wells, the old translators gave to "Baca" the meaning of a "valley of weeping"; but it signifies rather any valley lacking water. Support for this latter view is to be found in II Sam. v. 23 et seq  I Chron. xiv. 14 et seq., In which the plural form of the same word designates a tree similar to the balsam-tree; and it was supposed that a dry valley could be named after this tree. The Psalmist apparently has in mind a particular valley whose natural condition led him to adopt its name. ” [10]

This means a place where there is a shortage of water. Here the name of the place is associated with a type of fragrant flower called Balsam. König (a German scholar) has taken the word Baca from the Arabic baka'a and means ‘lack of water flow’.

The balsam flower is associated with the valley of Baka / Baca in various well-known biblical commentaries. [11]

The new encyclopedia (Universal dictionary of arts and sciences) states:

An Arabian tree, famous from the most remote antiquity, and yet little known, is that which produces the balsam of Mecca. [12]

That is, the balsam flower of Mecca is an Arabian tree, which has been extremely famous since ancient times.

In places where there is a shortage of water, balsam flowers — everything points to Mecca.

Verse 3 of the Bible's Psalms chapter 64 states:

“Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have heryoung — a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. (NIV) ”[13]

On the other hand, Ibn Hisham's Siratun Nabi (peace be upon him) mentions a poem by an ancient Arab poet about the Ka'bah in Makkah:

“My heart cries out for the Holy House (Ka’ba), where pigeons and sparrows do not suffer, but live in safety. Even the wild animals there are not hunted .... ”

Ibn Hisham mentions that, according to some poets, this is the first poem written in Arabic. [14]

The poems of the Arab poets in ancient times were much like the news media of the present age. Another similarity is found between the description of the Temple of God in the Valley of Baqa and the Ka'bah in Mecca mentioned in the Bible Psalms.

If anyone still wants to say that this match is a 'coincidence', I want to show them one more thing. The Psalms of the Bible say in verses 8-10 of the same chapter:

“Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty; listen to me, God of Jacob. Look on our shield, O God; look with favor on your anointed one. Better is one day in your courtsthan a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. ” (NIV) [15]

Now we see a hadith on the virtues of prayer in the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “One prayer (namaz) in this mosque of mine (Masjid al-Nawawi) is better than a thousand prayers in other mosques than the Masjid al-Haram. And one prayer in the Masjid al-Haram is better than one hundred thousand (1 lakh) prayers in comparison to other mosques. "[16]

From these similarities we can say with certainty that the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians mention the Ka'bah of the House of God in Makkah Mukarramah.

There is evidence that long before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Jews of Arabia knew the Ka'bah as the house of God built by their ancestor Ibrahim (peace be upon him). King Tubban (Tubba / Abu Karab Asad) ruled Yemen from 390 to 420 AD. [17] In the historical account of that event we find mention of the belief of the ancient Jews of Medina at that time about the Ka'bah.

The Battle of Tubban (King of Yemen) with the Medinans ... Thus, while engaged in battle, two Jewish scholars from the tribe of Banu Qurayza met Tubban. The tribe of Banu Qurayza is a descendant of Qurayza. ... these two scholars of Medina were particularly adept at the Book of God. When they heard that Tubban wanted to destroy Medina and its inhabitants, they met him. Then they say to him: “O king! Give up your desire. If you persist, obstacles will come in front of you. As a result, you will not be able to do what you want. But you will have no way to prevent the punishment that will fall on you soon. Tubban said: What is the reason for the punishment to fall on me?

They said: Medina is the place of migration of the Prophet of the End Times. He will be expelled from the holy place by the Quraish and will come and live here. Hearing this, the king stopped. He thought the two men were really wise. The king was impressed by their words. He left Medina and converted to Islam.

... Ibn Ishaq said: Tubban and his people were idolaters. He left for Mecca and had to go through Mecca to go to Yemen .... The two scholars said: “Those who gave you this advice have plotted to destroy you and your army. To our knowledge, this is the only house in the world (Ka'ba) which Allah has taken as His own house. You and your companions will surely perish if you do what your Hujailis have told you to do. ” He said: "Then what do you think I should do when I go to that house?" The two scholars said: “You will do as the people around the Ka'bah do. Will walk around the house, showing devotion and respect to him. Then shake your head. As long as he is there, he will be humble. ” Tubban said: Why don't you two do this?

They said: By Allah, it is the house of our father Ibrahim. Everything I told you about that house is true. But the Makkans set up idols around the house and shed blood in front of it, blocking our way there. They are unholy mushriks. ” Tubban understood the truth of their statement and their sincerity .... Then he left for Mecca. Arriving in Makkah, he circumambulated the Ka'bah, offered sacrifices at home, shaved his head, and stayed in Makkah for six days. At this time he made more sacrifices and entertained the people of Makkah. He made them drink honey .... Tubban was the first to cover the Ka'bah with a ghilaf. He advised the people of Mutawalli Jurhum tribe of Ka'bah to wear ghilaf in Ka'bah in time He instructed the Ka'bah to be cleansed from all filthiness, including idolatry, not to shed any blood on it, and not to throw corpses and rags used during the season near the Ka'bah. Tubban also made a door and key for the Ka'bah. [18]

Marshall G. S. Hodgson's The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization mentions the Mecca of the pre-Islamic era of Muhammad (pbuh):

It seems that even Christian Arabs made pilgrimage to the Ka'bah, at that time, honoring Allah there as God the Creator. [19]

That is, even the Arab Christians of that time used to perform Hajj to the Ka'bah in devotion to Allah as the Creator.

If the Ka'bah was only a 'pagan place of worship', if it had not been mentioned at all in the book of the Judeo-Christians, then why did the Jews long before the birth of Muhammad (pbuh) call the Ka'bah after their father Ibrahim (pbuh)? Worshiped as a house? Why did those Christians come here many years ago to perform Hajj or pilgrimage? Can Christian missionaries today answer that question?

Ishmael's place of residence:

First we look at a hadith from Sahih Bukhari, where Ishmael (a.k.a.) was left behind.

“... Then (by the command of Allah) Ibrahim (a.s.) came out with Hazera (a.s.) and his infant son Ishmael (a.s.) while Hazira (a.s.) was feeding the baby. Finally, where the Ka'bah was located, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) brought them both and placed them under a huge tree at the top of the mosque, above the well of Zamzam. At that time there was no people in Makkah and there was no water supply. He later left them there. He also left them some dates in a sack and some water in a bag.

Suddenly he saw an angel at the place where the Yam Yam well was located. That angel struck with his ankle or, he says, struck with his wing. As a result, water started coming out. Then he tied it around Hazera (AS) with his own hand and made it look like a house and filled the cell of his hand with water. The water was still overflowing.

The narrator said, "Then Hazira (a.s.) drank water, and made the infant drink milk too." Then the angel said to him, "Do not fear destruction." Because here is the house of God. This child and his father will both build houses here and Allah will never destroy his relatives. At that time the place of the house of God was as high as a tiller from the ground. His right and left were breaking as a result of the flood. Then Hazira (AS) was living like this. At last a group of (Yaman native) Jurhum tribe was passing by them. Or the narrator says that some people from the Jurhum family were coming here by way of a high ground called mud. They landed on the lowlands of Makkah and saw a flock of birds flying in circles. Then they said, "Surely these birds are flying over the water." We have crossed this Maidan many times. But there was no water here.

Then they sent one or two men there. They went there and saw the water. They came back from there and gave the news of water to everyone. After hearing the news, everyone moved towards it. The narrator said that Ishmael's mother was near the water. They said to him, "We want to live near you." Will you allow us? He replied - yes. However, you will not have any right over this water. They said yes. Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: This incident gave an opportunity to Ishmael's mother. And he also wanted the company of people.

Then they settled there and sent word to their families. Then they also came and started living with them. Eventually a few of their families settled there. And Ishmael also reached the age of youth and learned Arabic from them. In his youth he became more attractive and beloved to them. Then when he reached his full youth, they married him to one of their daughters. In the meantime, Ishmael's mother Hazira (AS) died. ”[20]

We see that according to the hadith of Sahih Bukhari, Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his mother were left near the house of God in Makkah. There he established a marital relationship with the Jurhum Arab tribe and learned Arabic from them.

According to Judeo-Christian scriptures, Ishmael (pbuh) lived in Paran. [21] In which the Arab region also falls. Many Christian scholars claim that the part of Paran where Ishmael lived was west of the Red Sea; The Paran region is somewhere near Canaan and Egypt. Or around the Sinai Peninsula in Palestine and Egypt. And Ibrahim (AS) did not come to Makkah. Some scholars and some orientalists claim that. This claim helps them to deny Muhammad (pbuh). Free-minded people are also very confident in the word of mouth of Christian scholars in these matters.

From the Judeo-Christian scriptures we see where Paran is actually — west or east of the Red Sea. Canaan or Egypt or Arabia.

First, the Judeo-Christian scriptures clearly state that the Ishmaelites [Ishmaelites, descendants of Ishmael] did not live in Egypt.

As they sat down to eat, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were full of spices, essential oils, and myrrh. They were taking them to Egypt. ” [22]

If Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his descendants lived in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, how could they carry camels to Egypt again? Historically, it has been proven that the Arabs of Makkah are the descendants of Ishmael. And they used camels and carried caravans far and wide. Bible Genesis 37:25 supports that claim. And this Bible verse tells us that the Ishmaelites did not live in Egypt.

As they sat down to eat, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were full of spices, essential oils, and myrrh. They were taking them to Egypt. ” [23]

If Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his descendants lived in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, how could they carry camels to Egypt again? Historically, it has been proven that the Arabs of Makkah are the descendants of Ishmael. And they used camels and carried caravans far and wide. Bible Genesis 37:25 supports that claim. And this Bible verse tells us that the Ishmaelites did not live in Egypt.

According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, Gilead is a mountainous area east of Jordan. [24] ] That is, those Ishmaelites were coming to Egypt from Arabia, as is clear from Genesis 36:25.

According to historians and commentators, Muhammad's ancestor was Kedar, the son of Ishmael. [25]

“All the leaders / princes of the Arabian Peninsula and the Kedar dynasty [Genesis foretells that 12 leaders will come from the tribe of Ishmael] were your buyers. They traded with you for lambs, sheep, and goats. ” [26]

Christian missionaries claim that Paran is part of the Sinai Desert in Egypt. But even this claim of theirs is refuted from their own books.

And the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of Sinai, and encamped in the wilderness, until they brought them into the wilderness of Paran. [27]

This shows that Paran and the Sinai Desert in Egypt are not one place at all; Rather different place. The Jews traveled from the wilderness of Sinai to Paran.

If the biblical Paran is not a place in the Sinai Desert in Egypt, then where is it?

By associating Hagar (Bibi Hazera) with Mount Sinai in the New Testament of the Bible, it is being acknowledged that she [and her son Ishmael (pbuh)] belonged to Arabia.

"Hagar is like Mount Sinai in Arabia and a replica of the present-day city of Jerusalem, because she is in bondage with her children." [28]

There is some evidence from non-Muslim sources that Ishmael was left in Arabia. The first Arabic translator of the Jewish Torah [29] was the legendary Saadia Gaon / Rasag. [30] She is considered one of the greatest Jewish scholars of all time. He was the best person to choose the Arabic word similar to the original Hebrew. The Bible refers to the area from Mesha to Sephar on the eastern side of the mountain to the descendants of the first male descendants of the Arab nation, Joktan [31]. [32] These two places have been translated as Mecca (مكة) and Medina

(مدين [33]

In Mecca to explore the Middle East mountain range

That is, "In Makkah, until you go to Medina, to the eastern side of the mountain." Therefore, from Mecca to Medina, this area is the homeland of the Arabs. This information is found in one of the oldest translations of the Jewish Torah.

Excerpts from Chapter 10 of the Bible Genesis (التكوين) from Sadia Gaon's translation

Eminent Bible scholar Professor William Paul, in his explanation of the Hebrew passage at Genesis 10:30, wrote,

“Mountain (mountains) of the East. These are supposed to be those mountains of Arabia running from the neighborhood of Mecca and Medina to the Persian Gulf. ” [34]

That is to say, the "mountain ranges of the east," these are supposed to be the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula, which stretched from Mecca and Medina to the Persian Gulf.

The first verse of the 13th chapter of Genesis (التكوين) has been translated by Sadia Gaon's Torah as follows:

Abraham is from Egypt, he is married, he is married, he is married, he is married, and he is with his wife.

That is, then Abram [the name of Abraham's first life in the Bible] left Egypt. He went to the Qiblah with his wife, all his belongings and Lot.

I am referring to the following verses of Chapter 13. In the significant part, I am mentioning the Arabic translation of Sadia Gaon:

2. Abram is very rich at this time. He had lots of cattle and lots of gold and silver.

3. Abram continued his journey, returning to Bethel from the direction of the Qibla. From there he went between Bethel and Ai. It was here that Abram and his family set up camp.

4. Abram called on the name of God at the place where he had built the first altar.

[To the position of the slaughterhouse which was then in the beginning, redeemed and then Abrams in the name of Allah]

5. Lot was also with Abram during this tour. Lot had many animals and tents ....

17 Then Abram took up his tent. He went to live near the tall trees of Mamre. The place was near the city of Hebron. There Abram built an altar to the Lord.

The word 'Qiblah' is mentioned more than once in this chapter in the Arabic translation of Sadia Gaon. There is no such thing in the modern translation of the Torah part of the Bible. Here in the original Hebrew there is the word ‘Negev’. [35] It literally means ‘south direction’. The words ‘negave’ or ‘south’ are used in current translations. In this chapter it is mentioned that Ibrahim (AS) built the altar (building of worship; altar) more than once. It is said that where he built the first altar, he called on God. This description is very similar to the scene of calling Allah "Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik" during Hajj at the Ka'bah. Christian missionaries, as well as many atheists, have compared the practice of performing the Hajj to the Ka'bah to that of pagans. But we can also see from the Jewish and Christian scriptures how Ibrahim (AS) advanced towards the Qibla and took the name of Allah near the building of worship (Altar). It is also proved from non-Muslim sources that this ritual is not a pagan ritual at all but an Abrahamic ritual.

The name of the region called Shur is translated as Hijaz (الحجاز) in verse 6 of chapter 16 of Genesis (التكون) in the Torah of Radhabai Sadia Gaon. The Hijaz is a vast region near the Red Sea in present-day Saudi Arabia, which includes both the cities of Mecca and Medina. [36]

Excerpts from Chapter 16 of the Bible Genesis (التكوين) from Sadia Gaon's translation

He did this translation for the Arabic-speaking Jews living in the Arab countries at that time, not for the Muslims. He mentions the names of Hijaz, Mecca, and Medina in his translation, which means that this was the belief of the classical Jews of that era. They understood these places by the original Hebrew words. That is why he translated the words ‘Shur’, ‘Mesha’, ‘Sefar’  these words as‘ Hijaz ’,‘ Mecca ’,‘ Medina ’.

The Bible mentions the place of residence of the children of Ishmael: they migrated from Havilah to Shur. [37] We have already discussed where Shur is. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Havilah is the northern region of Arabia. [38] The place of residence of the children indicates that Ishmael (peace be upon him) was left in Arabia; Nowhere in Egypt or Canaan.

Some people also want to say in this way - yes, maybe the descendants of Ishmael (AS) lived in Arabia. But does this prove that Ibrahim (AS) deported him to Arabia? It may be that the descendants of Ishmael (AS) later went to Arabia!

This argument is very easy to refute.

According to the Bible, one of the 12 sons of Ishmael (peace be upon him) was named 'Hadad' or 'Haddad' (حَدَّاد). [39] حَدَّاد is an Arabic word; Which means, 'Smith' [40]. In the old days, only the people of the Arab ethnic group had Arabic names. Due to the spread of Islam at the present time and the fact that the last divine book Al-Quran is in Arabic, there is an abundance of Arabic names even among the non-Arab tribes, but in the past there was no such possibility. From this it is clear that Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his family were among the Arabs, and inspired by them, his son was given an Arabic name. [41]

Chapter 30 of the Jewish Midrash Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer details Ishmael's descent into the desert. The names of two wives of Ishmael (AS) are found there — Aisha and Fatimah. [42] The names of one of the wives and daughters of Prophet Muhammad (AS) are exactly the same. Even if we take this coincidence as a coincidence, it is worth noting that the two names ‘Aishah’ and ‘Fatimah’ are pure Arabic names. Aisha (عائش alive) means alive and Fatimah (فاطمة means 'abstain'). .) Was in the Arabian Peninsula, his marital relationship was established with the Arabs, and we have already seen that according to the Bible, the Arabian Peninsula was Mecca-Medina. [43]

Another well-known Jewish scholar, Abraham Ibn Ezra, in his Torah interpretation of Genesis, refers to the well that Hazera was near as Jimum (Jimjum in other versions). He mentions the well: Every year the Ismailis [descendants of Ishmael] celebrate an episode here. [44] Here it is clear that he is referring to the Yam Yam well and the Hajj.

The Strong’s Bible Dictionary also acknowledges that Paran is a desert in Arabia. [45]

The Asatir - The Samaritan Book of the "Secret of Moses" of the Samaritan (Samaritan) religion mentions that,

“And after the death of Abraham, Ishmaelreigned twenty seven years. And all the children of Nebaot (son of Ishmael) ruled for one year in the lifetime of Ishmael, And for thirty years after his death from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates; and they built Mecca. ” [46]

That is, the descendants of Ishmael (AS) built the city of Mecca.

The same book quotes the famous Jewish historian Josephus (36 AD-100 AD) as saying:

Josephus I. 12. 3. 221: "These inhabited all the countries from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and called it Nabatene." Gen. 25. 18. Pal.Targ .: "And they dwelled from Hindikia (Indian Ocean) to Palusa (Pelusiumt which is before Egypt as thou goest to Atur (Assyria). In Kebra Ch. 83: many countries are enumerated over which Ishmael ruled "Built Mecca."

The famous Greek geographer Ptolemy (100-160 AD) is quoted as saying,

Already known to Ptolemy as Makoraba. Pitron has preserved the original reading באכה (ibid) Which they read Baka and took it to meana local name. Hence מכה (Maka / Makkah) into which it was afterwards changed. [47]

That is, according to Josephus, the Ismailis built Mecca. To Ptolemy, the city was known as Makoraba. A local name for this city was ‘Baka’ (Bakka).

So far I have discussed in the light of the information of non-Muslim scriptures or religious books. This time I will discuss from secular sources. Will Durant's The Story of Civilization is one of the best books on contemporary history. In this 42-volume book, the author discusses almost all the civilizations of the world. Discussing the development of civilization in the Arabian Peninsula, he said:

"It (the Ka’bah) was built the fourth time by Abraham and Ishmael, his son from Hagar." [48]

That is, the builders of the Ka'bah are Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ishmael (AS).

People who want to say that there is no historical mention that Ibrahim (as) came to Makkah or built the Ka'bah are slapping them on the cheek.

Knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadith is sufficient for believing Muslims. This information from non-Muslim sources is served to those whose hearts are full of misleading suspicions.

Ishmael (peace be upon him) and his children lived in Makkah, Arabia, which proves that Abraham (peace be upon him) must have come to Makkah. He left his wife Hagar and son Ishmael in Makkah. And He is the Creator of the Ka'bah. The claims of Christian missionaries and atheist-liberals are false.

How could Ibrahim (AS) come to Makkah after such a long journey? :

Opponents of Islam raise another question: Abraham (pbuh) lived in Palestine. How could he come to Makkah after such a long journey in that era? Was it at all possible to come to Makkah after traveling such a long way, especially with his wife Hazera (AS) and child Ishmael (AS)? In reply, we will say, is it at all difficult for the being who can save Ibrahim (peace be upon him) from the fire, [49] to send his prophet from Palestine to Mecca? The Bible also tells of the journey of Abraham (peace be upon him) from one country to another in his family, of the great distances from Haran to Canaan and Egypt. [50] We have the account of how Abraham (peace be upon him) traveled to Makkah. . Ibn Ishaq narrates that Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used to perform Hajj in Makkah every year through Bura. [51] last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a descendant of Ibrahim (peace be upon him), went from Mecca to Baitul Muqaddas in Palestine. Burak is a kind of miraculous fast-moving creature that can cover huge distances in a short time by climbing. [52]


If the Ka'bah is the oldest house of God, did the previous prophets come here? :

Many are seen questioning whether the prophets before the Ka'bah used to come for worship. We get the clear answer to this question in the hadith itself. It is proved by the hadith of reliable sources that at least 60 prophets performed Hajj in the Holy Mosque.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, 

Rasulullah  said, 70 prophets have crossed Rawah (the area between Makkah and Madinah). Among them is Musa (AS). He walked barefoot and after abaya to the ancient house of Allah (Ka'bah). ” [53]

According to Al-Munjiri, there is nothing wrong with the authenticity of this hadith.

With the description of the Hajj of Musa (AS), it has been said in the hadith of Imam Ahmad bin Humble's (AS) Kitabuz Juhad Kitab: If he said labbaik [I am present], his echo would come from the mountains. ” [54]

70 prophets have performed Hajj in Baitullah [Masjidul Haram]. One of them is Musa bin Imran (AS). He was wearing 2 Katawani clothes. Another is Yunus (AS). [During Hajj] he said, لبيك كاشف الكرب لبيك "I am present, O remover of misery [Allah], I am present." [55]

Ibn Ishaq narrates that Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used to perform Hajj every year. There are also accounts that all the Prophets performed Hajj at the Ka'bah except Salih (peace be upon him) and Hud (peace be upon him). [56]

After the second arrival, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will perform Hajj at the Ka'bah.

Hanzala al-Aslami said, "I heard Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrate from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) that he said," I swear by the One in whose hand is my soul, Region] will recite Talbiyah. For Hajj or Umrah or both. "[57]

This ancient house has been the pilgrimage place of the prophets and messengers since ancient times, and even today it is a unique place of worship by the ummah of the last prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And its creator was the great hero of monotheism — God's friend Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his son Ishmael (peace be upon him).

And remember when Ibrahim said: My Lord! Make it a secure city and provide its people with fruits, who believe in allah and the last day.

He [Allah] said, ‘Whoever disbelieves, I will give him a small provision. Then We will force him to enter the torment of the Fire. And what a miserable consequence.

And remember when Ibrahim and Ishmael raised the foundations of the Ka'bah (and said,) 'O our Lord, accept from us. Surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing. O our Lord, make us obedient to Thee, and make us a loyal nation from among our offspring. And show us the rules of our worship and forgive us. Surely Thou art the Forgiving, the Merciful. Our Lord, send among them a Messenger from among them, who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and Wisdom, and purify them. Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

And who can deviate from the pattern of Abraham except the one who has made a fool of himself? And verily I have chosen him in this world, and verily in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous. ” [58]

Who is better in religion than the one who bows down before the command of Allah and is engaged in good deeds and follows the religion of Ibrahim, the upright one? God has taken Abraham as a friend. ” [58.5]

Say: Surely my Lord has guided me to the right path. That is the well-established religion and the ideal of Ibrahim, he was devoted. And he was not one of the polytheists.

Say: My prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. [59]

References :

[1]. ■ R Rahikul Makhtum - Shafiur Rahman Mubarakpuri (R.), (Tauhid Publications) Page 72

■ Siratun Nabi (PBUH) - Ibn Hisham (Islamic Foundation Bangladesh), Volume 1, Page 69

[2]. The Bible, Exodus 3:15

[3]. Tanakh (Jewish Bible) / Old Testament (Christian Bible), Psalms 74: 4-6

The Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) version reads:

“Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will praise thee evermore. Pause. Blessed is the man whose help is of thee, O Lord; in his heart he has purposed to go up the valley of weeping (Baka), to the place which he has appointed, for there the law-giver will grant blessings. ” (Psalms 83/84: 4-6)

Law-giver: Law-giver. The land of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is Mecca and he has brought the law of the blessed Qur'an from Allah.

Psalms 84: 6 in King James Bible --- Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.

The Jews say in Tanakh: "They pass through the valley of Baca, regarding it as a place of springs, as if the early rain had covered it with blessing."

[4]. Al-Quran, Ali Imran, 3: 96-98

[5]. “Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible”, commentary on Psalms 84: 6

[6]. For example: New Living Translation, American Standard Version, Aramaic Bible in Plain English, English Revised Version, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation and many more versions.

Can be viewed here:

[7]. See the Bible, Genesis 21: 18-19

[8]. The Bible, Genesis 22:14, 32:30, note

[9]. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 3125 Note

[10]. “BACA, THE VALLEY OF - JewishEncyclopedia”, Vol. 2, Page 415

[11]. Commentary on Psalms 84: 6; "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers" And "Barnes' Notes"

[12]. The new encyclopedia (Universal dictionary of arts and sciences), page 352

[13]. Tanakh (Jewish Bible) / Old Testament (Christian Bible), Psalms 64: 3

[14]. Siratun Nabi (PBUH) - Ibn Hisham (Islamic Foundation Bangladesh), Volume 1, Page 128

[15]. Tanakh (Jewish Bible) / Old Testament (Christian Bible), Psalms 64: 8-10

The Septuagint version reads:

“For one day in thy courts is better than thousands. I would rather be an abject in the house of God, than dwell in the tents of sinners. ” (Psalms 83/84: 10)

[16]. Musnad Ahmad; Ibn Majah 1408, Sahih

[17]. Nehama C. Nahmoud (January 1, 1998). "When We Were Kings; The Jews of Yemen, Part II"

[18]. ■ Siratun Nabi (PBUH) - Ibn Hisham (Islamic Foundation Bangladesh), Volume 1, Pages 54-56

■ Does any Jew now believe that Moses (pbuh) came to Hajj at the Ka'bah? -

The Jewish scholar Dennis Avi Lipkin, in his book ‘Return to Mecca: Let My People Go So That They May Circle Me in the Desert’, proves in the light of the Bible that the Kaaba performed Hajj up to Moses himself Therefore, Mecca should be considered sacred to Judeo-Christians too! His discussion in this regard can be seen here--

"The Bible proves Prophet MOSES did pilgrimage to MECCA - INTERESTING Insight by a JEWISH writer!"

[19]. Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization (Vol. 1), University of Chicago Press, p.156

[20]. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 3125

[21]. See Tanakh (Jewish Bible) / Old Testament (Christian Bible), Genesis 21:21.

[22]. Bible, Genesis 36:25

[23]. Easton's Bible Dictionary

[24] "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers"

Gill "Gill's Exposition"

[25]. See ‘R Rahikul Makhtum’ - Shafiur Rahman Mubarakpuri (R.) [Tauhid Publications], page 64

[26]. Bible, Ezekiel 26:21

[27]. Bible, Numbers 10:12

[28]. Bible, Galatians 4:25

[29]. In the general sense, the first 5 books of the Bible, or Pentateuch, are believed by Jews and Christians to be the Torah of Moses.

[30]. Saadia Gaon (Jewish Virtual Library)

[31]. “Joktan-s Descendants” (Bible Origins)

“Joktan, Biblical figure - Amazing Bible Timeline with World History”

[32]. See Bible, Genesis 10: 29-30

[33]. “Torah - Navigating The Bible”


[34]. Rev. W. Paul, Analysis and Critical Interpretation of the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis, (Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1852), p. 100

[35]. “Genesis 13_1 Hebrew Text Analysis” (Biblehub)

[36]. "Hijaz _ Define Hijaz at"

[37]. The Bible, Genesis 25:16

[38] “HAVILAH -”

[39]. See Bible, Genesis 25:15

[40]. “Translation and Meaning of حداد In English, English Arabic Dictionary of terms Page 1”

[41]. A non-Muslim expert can be seen discussing this.

The Jewish rabbi Reuven Firestone has proved from the book of the Jews that the place where Abraham (peace be upon him) left his son Ishmael (peace be upon him) is the present Mecca. "Rabbi Reuven Firestone - Mecca and Arabia in the Ancient Biblical World!"

[42]. ■ Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer chapter 30

“Jewish Encyclopedia; article: Ishmael ”

[43]. Name “Name meaning عائشة” (Cute Baby names)

Or a9

“Translation and Meaning of فاطمة In English, English Arabic Dictionary of terms Page 1” (almaany)

[44]. “Ibn Ezra on Genesis 16_14_1 with Connections” (Sefaria)

■ “مدونةالجزيرةالعربية _ (ibn Ezra, SaadiaGaon) Saadia Translates _Shur_ Hijaz Paran Arabia”



[45]. ‘Paran’ – Strong’s

[46]. The Asatir - The Samaritan Book of The “Secret of Moses by Dr. Moses Gaster; page 262

[47]. Aforesaid

[48]. ‘The Story of Civilization’, 13/18 (The Story of Civilization) by Will Durant

[49]. See Al-Quran, Ambiya 21: 51-61

[50]. See Chapter 12 of the Bible, Genesis.

[51]. ‘Akhbarul Makkah’ - Azraqi, page 120, Narration No. 69, Sanad Hasan

[52] “... Rasulullah (a) said: Buraq was sent for me. Burak is a white animal bigger than a donkey and smaller than a mule. As far as vision goes, he goes as far as one step at a time. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: I climbed it and reached the Holy House. Then I tied my vehicle to the rope that the other prophets used to tie their vehicles to. Then I entered the mosque and went out after praying two rak'ats. ... ”

[Sahih Muslim, Volume 1, Kitabul Iman Chapter, Hadith 309]

[53]. At Targib wat Tarhib: 2/116

[54]. The Book of Judgment (translated into Bengali under the title 'The World in the Eyes of the Prophet') by Imam Ahmad bin Humble (Hadith), Hadith No: 313

[55]. The Book of Judgment (translated into Bengali under the title ‘The World in the Eyes of the Prophet’) by Imam Ahmad bin Humble (R.), Hadith No. 293

[56]. Is it proven that all the Prophets (peace be upon them) performed Hajj to the Ka’bah? ” –IslamQA (Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid)

[57]. Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 3030

[58]. Al-Quran, Baqarah 2: 128-130

[58.5]. Al-Quran, Nisa 4: 125

[59]. Al-Quran, An'am 6: 161-182