Was ishmael mis-begotten son of Abraham on accoriding to bible (naujubillah)
> Answer: No, it is lie.ishamel was chosen by LORD himself.
> Abraham two son isaac and ishmael (kjv 1st chorincles 1:28)
> [When Sarah became childness], sarah gave her[Hager who was egypt maid] to her husband Abraham to be his wife (genesis 16:3)
> And the angel of LORD said unto Hagar,behold thou art with child and shalt bear son and shalt call his name ishmael because the LORD hath heard thy affliction (genesis 16:11) and he will be a wild man his hand will be aganist every man and every man's hand anganist him and he shall dwell in the presence of All his brethren.
> LORD blessing ishmael as said-And as for ishmael,i have heared thee behold, i have blessed him and will make him and will multiply him exceedingly twelve princes shall he beget and i will make him a great nation.(kjv gensis 17:19) ishmael his son thirteen years old, who he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. In the self same day was abraham circumcised and ishmael his son (kjv,gensis 17:25) We know ancient arabian had twelve cummunites. ishamael is father of great nation Arb.his 2nd son is kedar (kjv 1 chronicles 1:28-29) LORD ordered kedar to live in Arab (isaiah 21:13-17)
> LORD ordered keder's people to praise himself as said-sing unto the LORD a new song,and his praise from the end of earth and all that is therein; the isles and the inhabitants thereof. Let the wilderness and the cities thereoof lift up their voice, the villages that kedar doth
inhabit: Let the inhabitants of the rock sing,let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let them give glory unto the LORD and declare his praise in then islands.
>LORD shall go forth as a mighty man,he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war, he shall cry, yea, roar, he shall prevail Aganinst his enemies [unarabian And idolartists] (isaiah 42:10-13)
> Isaiah 42:15-16 as prediction About sinful arabian idolartists
> isaiah 42:1-7 mentioned Almighty's servent as prediction about arabian prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who is servent of LORD for gentiles. It was some similar narrated in bukhari hadith number 2125. Because jews and christain changed words of their books.
So Quran said-they change the words from their(right)places and forget a good part of message that was sent them(5:13)
Bible: How do ye say,we are wise and the law(hebrew-torah) of LORD is with us? but behold the false pen of the scribes has wrought fales (jeremiah 8:8)
> Jesus said to his 12 disciples-Go not into the way of the gentiles and not enter into the city of Samaritaians. But go rather to lost sheep of house of isreal and preach as you go.say in the kingdom of heaven is at hand (matthew 10:5-7)
So Jews and christains joined words in their book to insult prophets. such as-judah raped his son's wife. This wife begot a son who's name is perez(gensis38:1-29)
root of=abraham->isaac->jacob-
> judah->perez->heron-
> ram->ammina'adab->nahshon-
> salmon-bo'az->rahab->obed-
jesse-"david"->solomon (matthew1:1-28)
jesus is offspring of david (revelation 22:16)
jesus is invalid's son/b***d(Proved) [naujubillah]
We, Muslims belive that all prophets are pure and respectfull.
Therefore, Ishmael is not mis-begotten and begotten son of Abraham.